
[참고자료] Computer Vision 관련 Dataset

꾸준희 2017. 7. 21. 19:36

출처 : http://liris.cnrs.fr/voir/wiki/doku.php?id=datasets

Computer vision datasets

(kept by the computer vision and ML group of the LIRIS laboratory, INSA-Lyon)

Other dataset lists and surveys

Semantic Full Scene Labelling

  • Places dataset Places 2,5 millions d’images avec 205 Scènes Labellisées.

Synthetically created datasets

Gesture recognition

Full body pose estimation

Hand pose estimation

Action recognition

Surveys and dataset lists
  • Multiview datasets:
    • 2010 VideoWeb Dataset focusus on interactions (people meeting, people following, vehicles turning, people dispersing, shaking hands, gesturing, waving, hugging, and pointing)
    • 2009 i3DPost Multi-view Dataset Groundtruth inclues 3D mesh models (walking, running, jumping, bending, hand-waving, jumping in place, sitting-stand up, running-falling, walking-sitting, running-jumping-walking, handshaking, pulling, and facial-expressions)
    • 2009 PETS 2009
    • 2007 PETS 2007
    • 2006 INRIA IXMAS dataset 5 cameras, daily living (nothing, checking watch, crossing arms, scratching head, sitting down, getting up, turning around, walking, waving, punching, kicking, pointing, picking up, throwing (over head), and throwing (from bottom up))
    • 2006 HumanEva dataset Multi-camera RGB / Grayscale images

Body part segmentation

Object recognition and segmentation

Pedestrian detection

Motion capture
