


CUDA Driver


Running a CUDA application requires the system with at least one CUDA capable GPU and a driver that is compatible with the CUDA Toolkit. See Table 2.


For more information various GPU products that are CUDA capable, visit https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus.


Each release of the CUDA Toolkit requires a minimum version of the CUDA driver. The CUDA driver is backward compatible, meaning that applications compiled against a particular version of the CUDA will continue to work on subsequent (later) driver releases.


More information on compatibility can be found at https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-best-practices-guide/index.html#cuda-runtime-and-driver-api-version.





Table 2. CUDA Toolkit and Compatible Driver Versions

CUDA Toolkit   Linux x86_64 Driver Version  Windows x86_64 Driver Version
CUDA 11.0.189 RC >= 450.36.06 >= 451.22
CUDA 10.2.89 >= 440.33 >= 441.22
CUDA 10.1 (10.1.105 general release, and updates) >= 418.39 >= 418.96
CUDA 10.0.130 >= 410.48 >= 411.31
CUDA 9.2 (9.2.148 Update 1) >= 396.37 >= 398.26
CUDA 9.2 (9.2.88) >= 396.26 >= 397.44
CUDA 9.1 (9.1.85) >= 390.46 >= 391.29
CUDA 9.0 (9.0.76) >= 384.81 >= 385.54
CUDA 8.0 (8.0.61 GA2) >= 375.26 >= 376.51
CUDA 8.0 (8.0.44) >= 367.48 >= 369.30
CUDA 7.5 (7.5.16) >= 352.31 >= 353.66
CUDA 7.0 (7.0.28) >= 346.46 >= 347.62



For convenience, the NVIDIA driver is installed as part of the CUDA Toolkit installation. Note that this driver is for development purposes and is not recommended for use in production with Tesla GPUs.


For running CUDA applications in production with Tesla GPUs, it is recommended to download the latest driver for Tesla GPUs from the NVIDIA driver downloads site athttp://www.nvidia.com/drivers.


During the installation of the CUDA Toolkit, the installation of the NVIDIA driver may be skipped on Windows (when using the interactive or silent installation) or on Linux (by using meta packages).


For more information on customizing the install process on Windows, see http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-microsoft-windows/index.html#install-cuda-software.


For meta packages on Linux, see https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#package-manager-metas




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