Background Subtraction 시도할 때 사용할 좋은 데이터세트 같고, 데이터도 바로 다운로드 받을 수 있어서 접근성 좋다.
This dataset is used in S.-H. Lee, J.-H. Kim, K. P. Choi, J.-Y. Sim, and C.-S. Kim, "Video saliency detection based on spatiotemporal feature learning," submitted to Proc. IEEE ICIP 2014. Video sequences have the resolution of 480 x 270 and consist of around 800 frames. The binary ground-truth maps are manually obtained for every 8 frame. This dataset can be used only for research purposes.
참고자료 :
MCL Dataset for Video Saliency Detection
MCL Dataset for Video Saliency Detection This dataset is used in S.-H. Lee, J.-H. Kim, K. P. Choi, J.-Y. Sim, and C.-S. Kim, "Video saliency detection based on spatiotemporal feature learning," submitted to Proc. IEEE ICIP 2014. Video sequences ha
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